A week or so ago, my friend Matt was telling me and my boyfriend about a couple of fellas he met at a coffee shop that he wanted us to meet. He spoke of their love for Christ, surrendered lifestyles, and their passion. We then ventured to a nearby coffee shop to read and study the word when lo and behold, the objects of our previous ( positive:) ) gossip were also there. One of them in particular, Joseph explained how he had completed the YWAM program in Australia and recently returned from a mission to Indonesia, specifically, Bali. Immediately, my ears perked up. S.E.N.D. ministries has been praying about going to Indonesia and recently made a solid contact at an orphanage there. I had been seeking clear confirmation My questions began spilling out. Turns out, he was serving at that VERY SAME orphanage and was best friends with not only the contact out there, but with the boyfriend of the girl that let my last trip to Central America. What a small world! Or rather, what a big God! I've been seeing more and more confirmation from God on the trip to Indonesia. I've been in contact with the missionary there and should be setting dates for this summer sometime around next week! Thanks for the prayers! If anyone is interested in going, let me know!

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