After fitting us and all our bags on two chicken buses, spending the night in the airport, almost missing our connecting flight, and losing our cajon, we made it! However, our mission is anything but finished. Upon arrival, we were blessed with four glorious days of rest until we were sent out yet again for a promotional trip. Which is why I am now writing you from a living room in Decatur,TX with only three of my teammates surrounding me. The other portion of my team is promoting S.E.N.D. in the San Diego area and sharing the great things the Lord has done in Central America with the homies out there. Although attempting to fit 9 people in our little Civic would have been a difficult task, I feel a little lonely without the rest of the gang. I am looking forward to our sweet reunion in 13 days!
However, the reason I am writing is not to share about the travels home or about our promotional trip (which, by the way, has been awesome!). I am writing to make, yet again, an "official announcement." I think I like doing such things here on my blog because it gives off the whole "press release" feel, making me feel important. Anyway, my announcement it this: I am selling everything and donating my kidney to S.E.N.D. ministries. No, No, its a terrible joke. S.E.N.D. wouldn't know what to do with a kidney. In all seriousness, my commitment to S.E.N.D. has taken a new, exciting, turn. This next year I have been given the privilege of creating vision, and laying the foundation for a new short-term missions program. I am so excited to create a pathway for those who wish to get their feet wet in missions. I have come to discover that most life-long missionaries felt the initial tug to long term missions on their very first short-term trip. It just proves that those who get a taste of the abundant life are always left thirsting for more! Just the thought of God using me to create such an opportunity, one that can create ripples for years to come, overwhelms me with excitement! We are looking to send out two 2-week teams and Lord willing, I would love to send a 1 month team. Nothing is set in stone at the moment, but I will update you as God's vision comes to fruition.
With such a big task left in my hands, comes a big need for prayer.
Please pray for:
-Vision for the program
-God's favor
-That we may be attentive to God's voice and desires
-Team members!
-Financial provision (three trips can definitely add up!)
Thank you so much for walking alongside me in my adventures thus far, cheering me on. You have followed me through Mexico, Ecuador, Israel, Turkey, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Now, I press on to new and exciting things and I hope that you will press on with me.
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