Saturday, April 4, 2009

I have officially made the decision to skip out on the Ecuador trip this year. It was a really hard choice because I want to go back so badly, but it's just not the right time for me. I've been praying about it a lot and I really feel that I need to focus on my ultimate goal this summer: Israel. It bums me out because I know I'm going to be missing out on a lot, but maybe God is wanting me to surrender this trip to him so I can focus on the bigger picture. Its a weird thought. Does got ask us to sacrifice things that would glorify him for other things that will glorify him as a sign of our submission? Because when we weren't Christian, He wanted us to surrender our sinful ways&desires as a sign of our dedication and love. Now that we follow Him, what else can we surrender besides our new "Godly" desires?  Eh, i dunno I'm just thinking as I type, it makes sense in my head. Man I sound really preachy. To quote nathan, "I should swear to even it out. Bitch. There. I feel better."


Trento said...

This Nathan character sounds right up my alley. I should meet him when I come home. You'll all still be in Fullerton then right? The world hasn't completely fallen apart?

And good for you on having some clarity on the big issues. We all need some.

Alaina said...

haha yah he's awesome you would love him. I will def be in fullerton! I'm so excited to see you!!!

Amy said...

On a personal level I'm sorry to hear you're not going to Ecuador.

But otherwise, you know, it's important to do what God is telling you to since obedience is kind of a big deal with Him. I absolutely think God asks us to sacrifice things that are good things; things that would glorify Him. Sometimes he just has something different in mind for us. Just because something (going to Ecuador) is a good thing, doesn't mean it's what God has in mind for us. And I think sometimes He just wants to know that He is more important to us than our own plans are and so He asks us to make those choices. And sometimes it doesn't make a lot of sense in the moment and sometimes it does...but I think the most important thing is obedience even when we don't know the "why". So good for you for making the tough choice and sacrificing something that would have been cool for the sake of being obedient and following hard after what God has in mind for you, not just what you have in mind for you.

I guarantee your trip to Israel will be worth the sacrifice.

ngm said...

I agree with Amy. Obedience can be a tricky thing. But it sounds like you're sure of your decision and that is key. I'll be praying for you friend.

As for quoting me: AWESOME!
And I'm glad Trento likes the quote.

ANDIE DIAZ said...

haha i love that quote. where was i when that was said? i'm sad i was not there.

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