After spending a couple days in Tel Aviv, we have officially moved into our apartment in Jerusalem! It is absolutely incredible. It is only by the favor of God that we are here. Before we left, It was prophesied over us that we were going to run into some serious spiritual warfare getting into the country. It was definitely a challenge.
To begin with, Ashley and Lindsay got a serious case of the flu right before we left. Then we had been told that since Beto has a Mexican passport that he would not be allowed in the country. Next, we couldn’t get our boarding passes because our return date was for five months from now when we only have three month visas. We decided to just keep praying, pressing on, and asking different people at the airport to print them. We finally got them all printed, got on our flight, and walked on to customs. At customs however, is where we met our biggest obstacle. The whole team got through except Ashley and Beto. Beto had accidentally pulled out a folder for send ministries instead of the flight itinerary. When the lady saw it, she asked to look through it. It had everything about out trip in it. Copies of all our passports, our mission statement, vision, and it must have included the word “missionaries” like 2374987 times. Now I’m not sure if you knew this, but Israel does not allow “missionaries” into the country. After four hours of almost being deported, somehow they got sick of interrogating them and just let them go. So here we are!
Tel Aviv was so beautiful! The sand at the beach was like flour and the water was so clear and warm. The people aren’t super friendly though. It reminded me a lot of New York. Everyone was clubbing, partying, at a bar, or passing out flyers for all of the above. So I didn’t feel far from home in Tel Aviv. It was weird and definitely not what I expected. Jerusalem now, is a completely different story. Everything is so old! The walkways are all cobblestone and every building is made of all stone from way back when. I feel like I have went back in time. We walked through the old city and visited the western “wailing” wall. It is the saddest thing. These jewish people have no sacrifice system so all they have is their deeds and the little prayers they put in the cracks of the wall. It was really hard to see because they don’t even realize that they have fully rejected their messiah who doesn’t need any of that. By the time were done here, hopefully some will come to realize that. Little interesting thing about the wall, when you walk away from the wall you have to walk backwards out of respect. It’s a way of saying, “ I will never turn my back on the wall or God.” So you see a lot of people running into each other and falling haha. We haven’t started ministry yet but I will update as soon as I can with more news! Thanks for everything, I love you all.
YAY! I love updates! Glad you all made it there in one piece!
I'm pretty sure I could spend an entire week watching people trip and fall at the wailing wall. That just sounds like good times!
that sounds amazing already. keep up with these : ) i cant wait to hear more. i love you
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