Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Breathe. Rest. Pause.

"What people need to realize is that life comes in seasons. It can't be springtime year-round. We need to expect the coming season and be ready for it."

So, I'm getting ready. Again. Sometimes I feel as if God pushes the reset button on my life. Ouch, try again. Everytime he has to push it (usually because of mistakes made), I am renewed. That exhilirating feeling of a fresh start is quickly followed by knots in my stomach because frankly, I have no idea what i'm doing. I feel as though I am wandering around with my eyes shut making decisions as if I know what step to take next. How am I supposed to know the next step when I can't even see an inch in front of me?

Thank God He knows what He's doing.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


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