At that, I would like to share with you what that next step is going to be. As you know, I am leading a team to Indonesia this summer for approx. three weeks. The Lord has been pouring out vision and divine appointments, now all we need is a team and the finances to go! But that is not the main reason I am writing you. I am writing to announce that upon my return to the states, I will begin the process of moving out to Decatur,Texas indefinitely alongside my sister Ashley and her husband Beto to serve the community,the church, and my family. My home church, Central Fellowship, has graciously offered my the position as their "in house missionary" and will continue to support me financially. There, I will be filling various needs as the Lords leads. As of now, I will be conducting all of the short-term missions under the covering of S.E.N.D. ministries, assisting in directing the Children's ministry, aiding the birth of a Christian coffee shop, organizing music events for said coffee shop, assisting in worship, and lifting up the arms of those involved in the youth ministry. God has equipped me in the last few seasons in so many different ways. I have been in a sponge-like state, soaking in all the experience and lessons put in front of me. Now, I am entering into a season of out pour. The Lord has asked me to take on the role of Joshua as he stood on the front lines, laying his life down first for the people around him. Not in a physical sense, but in a spiritual one.
So that is where you meet me, what His eyes have shown me. I am terrified and ecstatic simultaneously. Praise the Lord for finally reuniting my family! Pray that I may walk boldly in my calling and not begin to sink once again.