Friday, September 4, 2009

So, I was sitting wondering about what I was going to say to you all next. As I contemplated this, Ashley read me her update and I decided to steal it. I could never describe the people we have met nearly as eloquent as she has. So, without further ado, here is Ashley's update titled: Meet the Nation of Israel.

One of the amazing things of life on the field, is the extraordinary people I have met. Sometimes I think, wow i need to write a book one day about all of these people. I thought I'd start with an email:). These people your about to read about aren't Big pastors, or have big ministries. But i tell you the truth, there are men and women out there in the " Highways and Bi-ways" living a life of sacrifice, a place on the road side of the "Big Highway" where life becomes really simple...becoming one with the people. Be inspired and encouraged by our "Today Hebrews chapter 11 people"

Meet Degin... from Ethiopia

A small man in stature... with a courageous heart. Originally from Ethiopia, he came to Israel 12 years ago by foot. In fact he is responsible for leading 30,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel by foot. A real modern day Moses. He now pastors a church in Ashkelon, a city that in continually caught in Arab and Jewish tension. Yet this week i met this Hero standing outside the Madonna concert as he passed out "New Testaments" to the crowds plowing into the streets. People ridiculed Him and Insulted him, but his soft eyes and His bright smile continued. I am humbled by this man who after he has done so much does not think it is beneath him to pass out New Testaments and reach out the nation of Israel.

Meet Erick... from Holland

A tall lengthy man with big blue eyes and a tender smile. He recently came to know the Lord this last year, and now has given his life over to cooking for the poor at the soup kitchen. He never sees or really talks to the 150 people he cooks for, you usually find him in the kitchen, washing the endless line of dishes, or this last week he cooked a secret recipe that has been in his family for 6 generations. His Joy is inspiring, he feels so honored to cook a meal for the Lord.

Meet Dia... from Iraq

A 4 year old girl with longing eyes and a big imagination. A ministry here in Israel has made a way for her to come to Israel for a life saving heart surgery. Her heart has a defect the is life threatening, yet the surgery she will have next week is also very life threatening, the doctors took months to even decide to do it.Her family is muslim but the are very open to the gospel and there hearts are very open to Israel, since Israeli doctors are the ones who are attempting to save her life.

This week we visited her and played with her she loves to dance and give hugs at one point she climbed up into my arms and i held her tight, i could feel her heart beating on my chest, the very heart that is hanging on for life. My heart melted. O Lord may her physical and spiritual heart be healed.

Meet Sadi... from Ethia

I saw her from across the soup kitchen, timidly sitting at a table with her eyes on the ground. Her pregnant Belly looked full term, and she looked about my age. Most people at the soup kitchen are elderly or people with rough lives off the streets, she looked different, she looked like she had been on a long journey. As i sat and talked with her i find out that her and her husband fled from Ethia (a small country near Ethiopia) 2 years ago because people were persecuting them for their christian faith. They fled by foot, yes that right they walked most the way and when the could take a bus they would also. Now here in Israel they find refuge, but still hardships continue. They are about to have their first baby, she came to the soup kitchen to get a meal, maybe get some baby clothes. The whole time i talked with her she never complained about her life, in fact life was bursting out of her eyes and her smile as she shared.

Meet Nina...from Brazil

Since weve been serving at the soup kitchen every week we get to see a lot of the same people, one lady in particular is Nina. she is a bubbly woman from Brazil, and between her Spanish and broken English we have great conversations. She recently received the Lord into her life she keeps saying "jesus saved my life!" Jesus saved my life!" This last thursday she didn't come to the soup kitchen for her weekly meal i wondered where she was, but about 4 pm after everything had been cleaned up we heard a knock at the door it was Nina, she had come to bring an offering, she said God had blessed her with 20 shekels and she wanted to give it back to Him. what a sweet smelling sacrifice her heart is, giving out of her abundance!

Meet Alaina, David, and Nick...from California

Some of our team members this week have faced and experienced some of the most precious scriptures of our faith. "Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness for theirs in the kingdom of heaven" Matt. 5:10. This week we stood outside the Madonna concert and passed out new testaments. Did you know that there is no where in israel you can go and buy a new testament? Even if an Israeli wanted to read one they wouldn't be able to find it. It was a great experience of growing in our boldness. A lot of people where thankful to have a free book and gladly took it, while with some it roused up anger; spitting in faces, ripping up bibles, burning bibles, and even standing around in a circle creating a wall so that people could not get any new testaments. But people especially secular Jews when they would see the anger of the religious ones, it made them want a new testament even more. God even used their anger for HIs Glory!

Time would not permit for me to tell you of Bob, an elderly man who lives on a concrete slab in the country side, uses pine cones for fire to cook meals and has devoted his life to the gospel. Or Mary the elderly woman who moved here to retire, to serve at the Iraqi children's hospital. Her job? She washes their sheets. Or arron the young kid from guatemala who has suffered beating after beating for believing in Yeshua.

Here are just a few of the men and women who are fighting the fight of

The Lord has been moving in supernatural ways, beginning to see people coming to faith! Pray that as God gives us people he would show us how to disciple and love each person.

Walking in His Grace,

Beto and Ashley


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