Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Well Folks, I have returned to the United States.
After fitting us and all our bags on two chicken buses, spending the night in the airport, almost missing our connecting flight, and losing our cajon, we made it! However, our mission is anything but finished. Upon arrival, we were blessed with four glorious days of rest until we were sent out yet again for a promotional trip. Which is why I am now writing you from a living room in Decatur,TX with only three of my teammates surrounding me. The other portion of my team is promoting S.E.N.D. in the San Diego area and sharing the great things the Lord has done in Central America with the homies out there. Although attempting to fit 9 people in our little Civic would have been a difficult task, I feel a little lonely without the rest of the gang. I am looking forward to our sweet reunion in 13 days!

However, the reason I am writing is not to share about the travels home or about our promotional trip (which, by the way, has been awesome!). I am writing to make, yet again, an "official announcement." I think I like doing such things here on my blog because it gives off the whole "press release" feel, making me feel important. Anyway, my announcement it this: I am selling everything and donating my kidney to S.E.N.D. ministries. No, No, its a terrible joke. S.E.N.D. wouldn't know what to do with a kidney. In all seriousness, my commitment to S.E.N.D. has taken a new, exciting, turn. This next year I have been given the privilege of creating vision, and laying the foundation for a new short-term missions program. I am so excited to create a pathway for those who wish to get their feet wet in missions. I have come to discover that most life-long missionaries felt the initial tug to long term missions on their very first short-term trip. It just proves that those who get a taste of the abundant life are always left thirsting for more! Just the thought of God using me to create such an opportunity, one that can create ripples for years to come, overwhelms me with excitement! We are looking to send out two 2-week teams and Lord willing, I would love to send a 1 month team. Nothing is set in stone at the moment, but I will update you as God's vision comes to fruition.
With such a big task left in my hands, comes a big need for prayer.

Please pray for:
-Vision for the program
-God's favor
-That we may be attentive to God's voice and desires
-Team members!
-Financial provision (three trips can definitely add up!)

Thank you so much for walking alongside me in my adventures thus far, cheering me on. You have followed me through Mexico, Ecuador, Israel, Turkey, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Now, I press on to new and exciting things and I hope that you will press on with me.

It was nice knowing you Central America, I'm sure we will see each other again.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hello all,

I’m so sorry for my lack of contact in the last month. We have been in areas with very limited internet access so in order to not overwhelm you with an extensive update on every nation, I will focus on the ministries in Guatemala and Honduras for today. The ministries in both countries were completely different and brought about different challenges for me personally as well as the team.


Stepping into Guatemala, we had no idea what to really expect in terms of culture and the language barrier. Although the Pastor there did not speak English, through God’s Grace, we were able to communicate in some way or another. My favorite time of ministry took place in a little village on the outskirts of Guatemala City called Santa Lucia. Each time we drove from the bustling, loud streets of Guatemala city into the dirt roads filled with barefoot children and women carrying baskets on their heads, I was amazed at how dramatically the level of poverty changed. Most of the children, although they are only a 20 minute drive from the city, have never left their village. Yet despite their lack of basic necessities, their faces are filled with joy and laughter. Our mission there was to cook and serve food to 50+ children ranging from 1-10 years old who otherwise, wouldn’t have a hot meal. As we pulled up to the woman’s house where it was taking place, we heard the welcoming calls of children yelling, “gringos!” Meaning, “the white people!” While the girls helped cook, the men were assisting the pastor in building the future school house, clinic, soup kitchen, and church for the children. There is nothing like experiencing God’s heart and being a part of the provision for His children. The Guatemalan people are welcoming, warm, and almost generous to a fault. Communicating may have been difficult, but there was a mutual bond through Christ’s love that was undeniable. It was a blessing to stand along side the believers there and encourage them in their pioneering work.


I never expected in my life to be doing ministry somewhere as beautiful and Roatan Island off the coast of Honduras. Its hard to feel like you’re doing mission work when you are living in what appears to be paradise. We quickly saw the broken down side of this so called “paradise” through our various ministries. Drug and alcohol abuse consume the island and hopelessness fills the eyes of the people. There is a huge conflict between the latin and black community that make up the locals on the island. In one of the communities, we were able to build a house for a single mother named Esmerelda and minister to the people in the surrounding houses. Esmerelda’s story is one of a broken childhood in which her mother would leave her and her sisters locked in a room with nothing but a bag of sugar and a jug of water while she disappeared for weeks. However, when she tells her story, she does not focus on the hard times she had growing up, but on God’s saving grace and how thankful she is for saving her and her son. She has dedicated her life to His ministry by translating for the church and putting her hands to any work that is needed. It was such an encouragement to see her evangelical heart and willingness to serve. Building her a home was the least we could do for her and her son. Our time there was filled with beautiful adventures and incredible ministry opportunities. In summation, through God’s grace, we helped build two houses, evangelized the streets, ran four church services, prayed over a new church, and even saw four people come to faith! God is so good!

It is incredible how much God can do in just two weeks in a nation. We serve a great God. If there’s one thing I gleaned about God’s character from Guatemala and Honduras, it is his abundant compassion for His children. When they cry out to Him, He is faithful to answer.

As we press in to our last leg of the trip, we ask for prayer. Pray for the people we have left in countries behind us that God may continue to work in their lives and that they may draw ever nearer to Him. Pray for the people here in Costa Rica, that they may experience God through us and come to a deeper understanding of His greatness. Pray for those ahead of us that their hearts may be softened so they may receive our message of God’s Grace. If there is any impression we wish to leave these countries with, it is that of a team covered in prayer and led by the Holy Spirit.

Prayer Requests for the Team:

-Continued unity

-Boldness to proclaim God’s message

-A continued leading of the Holy Spirit

-Finances: we are still in need of money to enter into Panama and for our promotional trip back in the states when we return. If you would like to donate, you may do so via pay-pal at www.sendministries.com or you may send checks to Send Ministries at 885 Vista Way Vista, Ca 92084.

Thank you so much for your continued support! I am excited to see you again soon. May God bless you even more abundantly!

In Him,

Alaina Henderson

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

As my time in Belize has come to an end, my time for processing the work has begun. I can't even begin to tell you all the things the Lord did in me and those around me. My heart broke when I heard the common thread of abuse, neglect, and violence that ran through the peoples lives. Many felt they were past forgiveness, that they were forgotten, and that God could never father them. Our times of ministry were difficult because in order to let God uproot them from their lifestyle, we had to penetrate past the walls they have built up around themselves.
The first and second week, we spent our time cleaning,painting, and serving at Calvary Chapel Port Loyola. We focused most of our attention on the children and young adults that made up the congregation. Games like "duck-duck- goose", "red light-green light", soccer, basketball, volleyball and any other type of game they could tease us unskilled Americans about became a common occurrence. We also spent a lot of our time walking the streets evangelizing, praying, and inviting people to church. Everyone was very receptive of the message we presented, however, most of them already claimed to be Christians (although their lifestyle didn't reflect it).
The last week, we spent our time out in the "bush" which is another word for the jungle or wilderness for a bible boot camp. The ages ranged between 14-21 and most were kids who were hungry to learn more about the Word. We all attended an Inductive Bible study class and a course through Judges. At the end of each night we split off into devotional groups in which each one of us on our team lead a discussion on the lessons learned throughout the day. My group consisted of four girls named Sheena, Melissa, Ilka, and Ruth. Each young woman possessed a gentle spirit that is quite unusual to come across in Belize. They were all passionate about the lessons learned and had a fervent desire to keep growing.
The goodbyes said were ones full of tears and wishes exchanged to see each other again. I left a little of my heart with them there. Pieces of my heart are spread out in so many different nations, I thank God that he keeps giving me more to leave.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hello once again. I think it would be an understatement to say that i need to be more self-disciplined in this whole "blogging" thing. Life just happens so quickly, and in order for me to present all the glorious details to you, i need sufficient time and a speedy internet connection. Excuses aside, I am glad to finally be writing you from the mission field once again. This time last year I was sweating in Israel, and now, I am sweating in Belize. Why the Lord keeps sending me to sweaty places, i'll never know.
The last week or so has been jam-packed with testing of faith, beautiful scenery, smiling children, crowded vans, and plenty of mosquito bites. As a team, we have been serving along side Pastor Joel at Calvary Chapel Port Loyola here in Belize city. Upon arriving, Joel welcomed us warmly by letting us know we will be serving at his church which is located on the worst street, in the worst area, of the worst city, with the highest murder rate per capita in the world. Pretty comforting, right? Although statistics state this gruesome truth, we haven't felt fearful living here at all. In fact, we even did some "door-to-door" evangelism in the area. As we walked the streets with our bibles in hand, we saw a glimpse of what sin has done to the lives of the people here. Mothers are living in tin shacks with eight children from six different fathers, children are being forced out of their innocence, incest and rape are common occurrences, and drug abuse is a leisurely activity. What's worse, is that most of the people here claim to be Christians. The enemy has full control of their minds and the people see no way out because they believe this is what life has to offer. Confusion has fallen thickly on the land, and the people cant find their way out. Where are the mighty men of valor? Where are the women of Proverbs 31? Where is the meaning in child-like faith if there are no innocent children to observe? How do you minister to people who claim to already believe? These are just some of the questions echoing in my mind as I live each day here. Satan has torn down any stability and rebuilt the family structure weak and contorted. It hasn't gone unseen by the Lord. His heart breaks for this place, or else he wouldn't send people to be light in the darkness. He is wanting to pick them up and wash the filth of their fathers off of them. So pray. Pray that the people may see their worth and not settle any longer. Pray that the mighty men may be awakened. Pray that the women would give themselves to the Lord before any man. The climate may be hot, but the peoples walk has grown cold. Pray for revival, that we may be the kindling for Gods fire to spread throughout Belize. All is not lost, God is moving.
The church is continuing to grow and discipleship has begun to take root. Every one in the community knows of the church and Pastor Joel by name. They are like the women at the well, trying to drink water but never feeling satisfied in the worlds water. They are beginning to thirst for living water. The people are desperate for prayer and for someone to teach them what love is. I thank God that we may play a small part in that. You can too by standing in the gap in prayer for the nation. All is not lost.

“Grant that I may not pray alone with the mouth; help me that I may pray from the depths of my heart

Monday, May 10, 2010

We are finally getting the ball rolling for our upcoming trip into Mexico and Central America! Which means, I finally finished my support letter! If you would like to get a copy of it you can download one Here : Alaina's Support Letter
After clicking on the above link, it will open a new page. Once on that page, just click the words that say "click here to start download" and it should start automatically. Thank you all so much! I am getting more and more excited for this everyday. Thank you for all your support.

Monday, January 25, 2010

If I haven't already informed you, there are some pretty big events that are going to be taking place in my life in the next year or so. I figured I would take this opportunity to let everyone know officially. As you all know, this past year I went to Israel on a five month outreach with S.E.N.D. ministries to Israel. After my return I was invited to become a part of a completely new re-vamped leadership program through the same ministry. The program is called "RHYTHM" and is focused on raising servant leaders to lead a called generation from the very Heart Beat of God.

"For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him."

2 Corinthians 16:9

It is a two year commitment to S.E.N.D. The program starts March 1 with a four month in-depth leadership coaching in the classroom followed by a four month outreach to a foreign nation for training on the field. The outreach will be from July 10th to Oct. 30th. Our team with consist of only leaders-in-training and the team leaders of the team leaders :) After we return to the States we will be going on a promo/recruiting road trip across the states from Nov. 2nd- Dec. 14th sharing what the Lord is doing through the ministry in the nations and the need for more workers! After the official training (because we should always be training in something) is completed, one of a few things may happen under the umbrella of S.E.N.D.. 1. I could lead a team for five months to a foreign nation 2. I could go out on my own for a long term solo mission 3. I could become part of the Admin/Promo team here in the the states 4. I could scout out new nations for future S.E.N.D. trips. It is such an exciting time to be a part of this new vision! The RYTHYM program is going to be such an amazing tool in equipping people to be servant leaders. I am so blessed to be able to be a member of the first "class".

“We will lead generations but first lead a life in tune to the exact rhythm of our Father.”

The logistical details are as follows:


Lecture: March 1st- June 19th

Rest: Oct. 30th- Nov. 2nd

Outreach: July 10th- Oct. 30th

Promo: Nov. 2nd- Dec. 14th

Debrief: Dec. 14th- Dec. 17th


Lecture: $1000

Housing & Food: (while in country- not a part of Rhythm budget): $2100

Outreach: $5000

Promo: $1400

Total: $9,500

Monthly payment: $750

Prayer is much needed for this entire process! By standing with me in Prayer you are standing on the front lines with me. Please pray that when I make the transition to San Diego for classes I may find a job to help provide the funds for this whole thing. If you would like to support me financially there is a "donate" button located on the right hand side of my blog page in which you can donate through paypal. Thank you so much for everything you all do for me and for sending me out to the nations! God is doing great things among his people!

Well, I made it! I can’t even begin to describe how radically God changed my heart in Israel. I have fallen in love with his people and his land. I pray that one day I can return. My outlook on this thing we call “Christianity” will never be the same. God has revealed things to me about myself that I had no idea even existed. Weaknesses strengths, fears, gifts, etc. I am blown away by the God that I serve, and even more blown away that he sees me worthy enough to be his servant! I know that the world will never fully understand the clarity that He offers unless someone tells them. Thats one thing I have learned about the character of God. He offers clarity. My brother recently was told he needed glasses desperately. The optometrist couldn’t believe he had functioned through life so far without them. My brother on the other hand, had no idea his eyes were bad until someone told him. He just figured thats how everyone saw things. He didn’t realize how hazy things were until he was given a pair of glasses. Now he can’t even believe how clear and beautiful everything has become. He can actually read, see peoples faces, and drive without being a danger to the general public haha. I’ve realized that when I draw closer to God I have more clarity about the desires He has for my life. Sometimes people say I am too impulsive and don’t think things through enough but why do I need to? If I am confident in the way the Lord is pulling me He will smooth everything out. That is what is so beautiful about not having any attachments here. If I feel called to go, I can just do it.
Me and Carissa playing in the snow on Christmas Eve in Texas!

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